Can someone say BYE FEBRUARY!!!

Goodness, it’s been a rough start to the new year, and when I say rough… I mean ROUGH. A big SCREW YOU, February. Screw. You.

  • Stomach bug – started with my son, followed by me, my toddler, my teen… In that order (week one-week two)
  • Mom rushed to ER for possible heart attack – stayed in hospital for 3 days (serious infection), followed by 5 additional days  of me driving her to the med center (30miles one way) daily. (week three-week four).
  • Baby rushed to urgent care center for high fever (107.6 – not a typo) followed by a severe cough- that now both my son and I have. (Week four)

I know what ur saying… Ur totally awesome for holding your shit down (I know, I know). But truth be told, “ain’t nobody got time for that!”

Being a mother is hard enough to handle when you have to care of others; but what about when ur sick too? Who takes care of you?? Hubby? Nope. He takes care of the children… Nope. The children want their momma. Even if momma has a 103.5 fever for 2 days straight… Or even if she’s loosing more fluids than she can comprehend. 

Hence, #noturmothersmom. I also work full time. How did you do it? (Having an understanding boss helps) but, I was able to work a few days from home, then I was lucky enough to spend the weekends doing chores– unlimited amounts of laundry; Sanitizing constantly, washing hands, spraying Lysol, feeding people and bathing people were also on the top of my to do’s.  

Side note, how did they even do it??? Back in the days? With 13 kids?? Ugh, I’m way cooler, I’m literally a rockstar, more importantly, I’m a freaking overcomer! This thing called “adult life” or “mature” does not have it’s perks. 

Goodnight for now, till next time. #noturmothersmom 

NOTE: I cannot, repeat, Can. Not. stress the amount of pressure and stress I was feeling. All I can say reflecting back is a BIGGGGG, F U February, aka shortest month, lovers month, tax refund making me rich month…. F.U

It’s the little things.

As you mothers out there know, it’s hard to juggle real life, work, and everything in between. So I wanted share today’s “little things,” with you… 

  1. Research shows men speak roughly 25k words a day; women speak roughly 50k. By the time I get home to see my hubby, he’s at 24,897. šŸ™Š
  2. My grandmothers amazing. 
  3. My son had a girlfriend for one day (yesterday), he didn’t get her name… She’s with another boy now. 
  4. My blog is therapeutically entertaining (enjoy).
  5. I have sleep habits of a 83 year old man. 
  6. Finally, I miss Starbucks… Gave it up for lent, think about caving daily- It’s been one week. 

Till tomorrow…



Totally cool. Totally awesome. Right?!?

The most awesomest mother you’ll ever know…

A phrase I love to remind my teen about. Seriously. My Ā  Kiddos and hubby are more than lucky, as I am the self proclaimed best thing in their lives (for now). Ha.


So, besides taking my toddler to the urgent care clinic at 430am, dropping off my other 2 in time for school, I also took my mother to her morning dr. appointments and came home to work. Did I mention I’ve been awake since 150am? Or that I went to sleep at 11pm? Most importantly, I’ve been nursing my angel face and coming down with a migraine, why not start a blog?

Because it’s 2015. That’s why.

Truth be told, I’ve been wanting to start a blog for years now. I also want my angels to have this to remind them of our day-to-day life, and to basically prove to myself that I am, totally amazing. Welcome to my life.